Ramaḍān is like rain that comes to the barren land and revives the lifeless earth into a fruitful garden. When our hearts die due to abundant sins, the blessings and mercy of Allah taʿāla descend upon us reviving the dead hearts. To receive the maximum blessings in Ramaḍān, we need to stay motivated and vigilant throughout the days. The purpose of this book is to provide simple ways to stay motivated with our acts of worship every day, whether being busy at work, school, or attending any other worldly obligations. Our goal is to provide a concise and accessible guide on Ramadan that can be carried anywhere.
This book is an excellent resource for those experiencing Ramaḍān for the rst time. Designed for youth, it provides valuable insights to make the journey fullling and oers practical guidance to help them navigate this sacred month with clarity and purpose. May Allah accept this eort and enable students to grow spiritually and reach their full potential through its teachings. Āmīn.
Sheikh Muḥammad Usama Hārūn
Dean, Jamiatul Uloom New York