Sunnats and Aadaab of Eid (Quick Read: 2 Minutes)

Sunnats and Aadaab of Eid (Quick Read: 2 Minutes).

What to do on the night of Eid and on Eid day, the Sunnah way.

Dhul Hijjah, Eid Spiritual Light Publications
Eidul Adhaa (Quick Read: 5 Minutes)

The Etiquettes of Eidul Adha:

  • Night of ‘Īd *
  • Day of ‘Īd *
  • Uḍḥiyah (Qurbānī) *
  • Sunan of the Day of ‘Īd *
  • The Method of ‘Īd Ṣalāh *
  • Performing Nafl Ṣalāh in the Morning of ‘Īd *
  • Congratulating One Another on the Day of ‘Īd
Dhul Hijjah, Eid Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Hafizahullah