An Online Islamic Media Library
The Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ is extremely close to a Muslim’s heart. A true Muslim loves his Prophet with a love which surpasses the love a child has for his parents or the parents’ love for their darling children. No bond of brotherhood or friendship can equal this love; in fact no human being has ever loved another as much as a true Muslim loves his Prophet ﷺ .
At the present time an air of despondency hangs over the Muslim Ummah, and circumstances indeed seem to justify it.
The issues of the Muslim Ummah will not be resolved by crying and wailing and complaining about how oppressed we are. The enemies of Islām are doing what they are doing, but the question is what are we doing? People spill out onto the streets out of love for the Prophet ﷺ , which is fine within the boundaries of Sharī‘ah, but is that our only responsibility? No!
The respected Shaykh advises the NEED OF THE TIME in 7 actions!