The issue of Karbala and the role that Yazîd had played therein has always been a contentious issue amongst the Ulema and the general masses. Much of what we know regarding this event is based upon historical narrations. These however can never serve the purpose of being a proof, owing not only to the weakness of the majority of its narrations, but also due to the existence of conflicting narrations as well.
Whilst discussing the events of Karbala in the manner that has today become ‘general knowledge’ amongst the masses, and if one scratches slightly at its surface, he shall find many questions surfacing for which there is apparently no answer. He will then have the choice of either ignoring these questions and sticking to the version of Karbala which he grew up with, or of reviewing the entire incident in the light of the ‘Quraan; The Sunnah; and Principles laid down for the acceptance of Historical Narrations.
In the version that we shall attempt to prove, Insha-Allah, one shall find answers to many of the ‘unanswered questions’ that have always hung over the shia-promoted version of Karbala, and one shall gain some understanding of the depths that shia hypocrites have gone in fabricating historical narrations, in order to taint the honour of great personalities in Islam, and to provide support for their concocted, filthy beliefs.