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 Author: Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq Saheb DB  Category: Hadith, Spirituality, Sunnah  Publisher: Akhtari Publications More Details  FREE Download

“For every step taken to performing the Jumuah Namaaz, we will get the reward of one year’s worth of Rozas Sawaab, and for every step taken we will reap the reward of one year’s worth of Namaaz and Ibaadats Sawaab. So great are these rewards.”

Sunnats to perform on a Friday, the virtues of Durood Shareef, including Masnoon Du’as.

Of the six basic Kitaabs of the Hadith, which we are all quite acquainted with, i.e. Bukhari Shareef, Muslim Shareef, Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, Ibne Majah, and Nasai Shareef, which are the six basic, and authentic Hadith Kitaabs, which all the Ulama study in the final year. The Hadith which I am going to quote appears in four of the above six Hadith Kitaabs regarding the practices of Sunnats, and their virtues on a Friday.

This shows how authentic this Hadith is. It is a Hadith of Fazaail (virtues). Also, Mullah Ali Qari (RA), a great Muhaqiq, and great Muhaddith of this Ummat says that as far as virtues are concerned, there is no other Hadith in all the collection of Hadith which consists of as many virtues as is contained in this Hadith. To re-iterate, there are Hadith which consist of many virtues, but the amount of virtues, Fazaail, Sawaabs that are mentioned in this Hadith, does not appear in any other Hadith.

The virtues are that if a person carries out six basic A’maals (practices) on the day of Jumuah, he will, for every step that he takes towards going for Jumuah Namaaz, get the reward of one year’s Ibaadat and Namaaz Sawaab, and for every step that he takes for Jumuah Namaaz he will get one year’s Rozas Sawaab.

Interesting and educating Lessons, Anecdotes, Examples from our Pious Predecessors.


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