An Online Islamic Media Library
A significant feature of the month of Sha’ban is that it consists of a night which is termed in Shariah as “Laylatul-bara’ah” (The night of freedom from Fire). This is the night occurring between 14th and 15th day of Sha’ban. There are certain traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , to...
In the booklet before you, much of the work has been extracted from the compilation of Moulana Mohammed Shoiab ibn Moulana Ebrahim Adam whose series of lessons have been extracted from a book written by Mufti Muhammad Ibn Adam Al-Kawthari entitled ‘Islamic Guide to Sexual Relations’.
In compiling this booklet, we acceded with the anticipation of not only reviving a sunnah of Sayyiduna Ibraaheem Alaihisalaam but also to educate the general public of the concept of sacrifice and giving our sincerest best which is most loved and accepted in the court of Allah Subhanata-ala.