Madrasah In Just 5 Minutes by Mufti AH Elias RA

This Book is aimed at benefiting the ummah by providing concise, relevant and interesting Islamic information.

Bearing in mind the pressures of modern living, a person requires Just 5 Minutes.

One of the beautiful features of this is that it is prepared according to the Islamic months.

Each 5 Minute...

Madrasah / Maktab Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias RA
A collection of 1755+ Publications & Audio from Al Islam

A comprehensive collection of 1755+ publications & audio from Al Islam (Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias عليهرَحمة)

Spirituality, Sunnah Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias عليهرَحمة