Today, the Muslims are undergoing great oppression throughout the world. This can easily lead to loss of hope in the mercy of Allaah Ta'ala. Therefore, this booklet has been prepared to grant some encouragement to distressed hearts, to remove doubts from diseased hearts and to explain to us what should...

Spirituality, Sunnah Moulana Moosa Kajee
On the Bright Side – A Positive Approach to the Negatives in Life

The thorns in life are many in number and varied in form. The loss of jobs or income… marital discord… family strife… the loss of loved ones… robberies and hijackings… the suffering of sickness… – these are just some of the many challenges and calamities that befall people in life.

Spirituality, Sunnah Ibnu Mas‘ood Institute
What Is Gaza’s Secret? – O students of Gaza! Teach us! (Quick Read: 4 minutes)

In the year 1992, a group of youth from the Gaza strip took upon their shoulders the responsibility for a project of nurturing (tarbiyah) the children and people of Gaza on the teachings of the Noble Qur'an and Prophetic Sunnah.

And so, the number of such Huffadh in the 'Safwat...

Hadith, Quraan, Spirituality, Sunnah Islam Media

"For every step taken to performing the Jumuah Namaaz, we will get the reward of one year’s worth of Rozas Sawaab, and for every step taken we will reap the reward of one year’s worth of Namaaz and Ibaadats Sawaab. So great are these rewards."

Sunnats to perform on a...

Hadith, Spirituality, Sunnah Hadhrat Moulana Abdul Hamid Is’haq Saheb DB