An Online Islamic Media Library
This book, originally titled "The Islamic Conquest of Syria", is the first complete English translation of Futuh as-Sham, the ninth century Arabic classic detailing the Muslim advance into Syria which then included present day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and parts of Iraq and Turkey.
The English reader has, for the first...
The Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ is extremely close to a Muslim’s heart. A true Muslim loves his Prophet with a love which surpasses the love a child has for his parents or the parents’ love for their darling children. No bond of brotherhood or friendship can equal this love; in fact...
The author Moulana Ashraf ‘Aliy Thanwiy (rahimahullah) narrates Akhirah the Final Day of Judgement, the honour for a Muslim from death to burial, the meeting of the meeting of the Ruh, Malaikah accompanying the Janazah and comfort in Mahshar.
Many years ago, during a pandemic that spread through a district...
The month of Safar is referred to by Gujrati people as an empty month, whilst other people regard it as an unlucky month. This is done out of ignorance else this month is equal to any other month.
The older people discourage Nikaahs in this month due to it being...