The Islamic Calendar

The purpose of this short booklet is to discuss the Islamic Calendar, and Inshā’Allāh highlight some important facts behind its origins.

In this edition the following has been added.

•Information on special acts of worship on specific days in the Islamic year

•Acts of worship which can be carried out...

Islamic History, Muharram, Rabi-ul-Awwal, Rajab, Ramadaan, Safar, Shabaan Maulānā Ebrahim Noor
The Islamic Months

This book is a compilation of the different months of the year and the acts of obediance which are perculiar to certain months and seasons, e.g. salah, fasting, dhikr, gratefulness, providing food, offering salaam (the Islamic greeting), and other qualities of the righteous and noble people.

I compiled this book...

Dhul Hijjah, Muharram, Rajab, Ramadaan, Shabaan Al-Hafiz ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali Rahimahullah
The Miracle of Mi’raj

This book discusses in detail the incident of the Méraj Shareef as it has been described in the books of Hadith, Tafseer and Seerah. It also describes the conditions of the higher and lower realms as witnessed by Rasulullah (SAW).

Rajab Mufti Muhammad Aashiq Ilahi Buland Shahri RA